Blacktown International Sportspark – Public Artwork

Project: Blacktown Exercise and Sports Technology hub (BEST)
Organisation: Blacktown City Council
Place: Sydney
Year: 2022- Current
Project Type: Current

Header image: Blacktown International Sportspark proposal render – ARM Architecture

Blacktown International Sportspark was developed as a major playing and training venue for athletics, baseball and softball for the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. The sportspark is continuing to grow and develop and is currently developing the Blacktown Exercise and Sports Technology hub (BEST).

In 2022, City People in partnership with Studio Chris Fox and Shay Tobin was awarded a significant public arts commission to create a permanent artwork on site. The project is now in the detailed design phase with fabrication anticipated later in 2023.

BEST (ARM Arcitcture)


The public artwork has been commissioned with the goals of:

  • Inspiring visitors to the Sportspark to move more in, around and through the chosen space(s) in a fun, playful, even unconventional way.
  • Enticing people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to enjoy spending time at the park and to keep coming back.