Liverpool Health & Academic Precinct // 2021-2024

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PROJECT: Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct
DATE: 2021-2024
LOCATION: Liverpool Hospital, NSW
CLIENT: Health Infrastructure NSW

The LHAP Arts in Health Program was a locally-driven creative placemaking initiative at Liverpool Hospital to provide a culturally safe environment and improve access to care for First Nations and new migrant communities.

Through artworks and integrated architectural features, this initiative provided healing and comfort throughout the hospital – an environment which is often busy, emotionally charged and traumatic.

City People used a community-centred approach to curating artworks within Liverpool Hospital to foster ownership and agency amongst local First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse communities. We worked with SWSLHD, Health Infrastructure and CuriousWorks – a social enterprise in south-west Sydney pairing emerging and experienced filmmakers.

We created a Working Group with community members, arts organisations, SWSLHD Aboriginal Health Unit, SWSLHD Multicultural Services, project managers, clinical staff, architects and placemaking experts. This group provided critical advice on: protocols for engaging First Nations and CALD communities, realistic timelines, shortlisting artists, and opportunities for local community to co-design arts in health programs.

We commissioned 3 artist facilitators to co-create artworks with First Nations and CALD communities through 4 co-design workshops. 

Burbangana, 2024,

New media art film and stills photography
Artists: Alison Page and Nik Lachajczak from ZAKPAGE
Curator: Michael Cohen

Suspended sculptural installation
Artists: Alison Page and Nik Lachajczak from ZAKPAGE, Jamie Eastwood
Curator: City People
Fabricator: Tilt

ZAKPAGE worked with local Dharug people and artisans to co-create Burbangana (a Dharug word meaning ‘take hold of my hand and help me up’) which included a suspended sculpture, film and photographic stills in the hospital entryway.

2 co-design workshops were held with 15 First Nations participants about holistic connections between health, people and place. Imagery for Burbangana was captured during the 2nd co-design workshop on Country with Aboriginal elders and community.

Multicultural Community Program, framed artworks and large-scale wall graphics, 2024,

Facilitators: Barahanos Byrne (Tina Barahanos & Alexandra Byrne), Leanne Watson
Artists: Kevin Vo, Yasameen Hameed, Kevser Ugurlu, Federico Rekowski, Miriam Cabello

Artist duo Barahanos Byrne and Dharug artist Leanne Watson mentored 5 local artists of migrant and refugee backgrounds from south-west Sydney for Multicultural Community Program – framed artworks and large-scale wall graphics in public and patient areas.

2 co-design workshops were held with 13 CALD members of the Liverpool community about inclusion, safety, collaboration and wellbeing.

The 5 artists created and presented artworks for feedback to co-design participants in response to emergent themes of resilience, journeys, nature, family and connections.

// South Western Sydney Local Health District and Health Infrastructure proudly present the Arts in Health Program, as part of the redevelopment of Liverpool Hospital.